We’re working on something exciting here! Stay tuned for updates on this page.

Annual Retreat

MCOB plans and organizes a retreat every year which normally takes place in the winter/spring. In recent years, the retreat has been held at the Woolman Hill Retreat Center in Deerfield, MA. Our last retreat was March 15-17, 2024.

The Retreat offers a time to relax, reflect and socialize with others in the Congregation. Programming around a particular theme is planned by the Church Council. A Worship Service with Communion takes place at 10:30 AM on Sunday. The retreat is an enjoyable day, and all are encouraged to participate, including newcomers to the congregation. To insure that money is not a barrier to attendance, MCOB assumes expenses for the whole weekend. Participants contribute as they are able. For more information, contact menncob@gmail.com.

Service Projects

Spring & Fall Fundraisings

The Social Ministries Committee identifies outside organizations twice a year for special fundraisers, based on current needs in the local community as well as in the wider world.

Harvard Meal Packing

Volunteers from MCOB take a shift packing thousands of nutrient-rich meals through End Hunger NE. The Harvard Chaplains sponsor this annual event in December. 

Youth on Fire Winter Clothing Drive

In the weeks leading up to Christmas, we collect warm clothing for the young people who attend the day shelter at Youth on Fire in Harvard Square. Individuals from the congregation also contribute meals throughout the year.

Charles River Clean Up

MCOB is learning about our local watersheds this year, and as part of our commitment to the environment, we have volunteered to help keep the Charles River and its shorelines clean.

Refugee Ministry

MCOB works in conjunction with the Arlington/Cambridge/Somerville cluster of the Refugee Immigration Ministry to support refugees in the Greater Boston area. We have supported mothers seeking asylum, serving as advocates to help them access services and housing for themselves and their children.

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Harvard Meal Packing_2
Charles River Clean Up_1
Charles River Clean Up_2

Fellowship and Fun

Potlucks and Picnics

We frequently have potlucks on Sunday evenings or at our social events. Typically, there are vegetarian options.

Congregational Day

In October, we held a one-day Saturday retreat at the Friends Meeting House where we had time for discussion, song and reflection.

Social Gatherings

Occasionally throughout the year, we meet outside of the worship space. Some examples are the Sunday SupperBowls (on Super Bowl Sunday), MennoSchmooze in July, the Memorial Day Cookout, and Christmas Caroling

Cookie Swap
Christmas Caroling
Super Bowl Sunday


Book Group

Sometimes called the “GAB Group” (Grace and Accountability Book Group), the MCOB Book Group has been meeting online every 6-8 weeks since 2020 to discuss books, articles, and an occasional film. Together we choose, read, and discuss a variety of non-fiction and fiction books, often with a social justice theme.

Small Groups

We have smaller groups that meet outside of worship time. There have been Bible studies, podcast discussions, and social activities. 

Parents with Young Children Gatherings

The families with young children also get together outside of worship for play, socializing, and support.

Baptism Exploration Group

Adult baptism is an Anabaptist tradition. A small group of adults–both young and old–who are interested in learning about baptism are working through a curriculum together. 

Peace Advocacy

We seek out and advocate ways to de-escalate violence and build a world where there is justice and dignity for everyone.