Our Commitment:

We gather for worship on Sunday evening

from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM

(6:00 – 7:30 PM in the Summer).


We meet at the Friends Meeting in Cambridge, located at 5 Longfellow Park, Cambridge, MA 02138

See “Contact Us” Page for more information and or to call/email with any questions, to confirm our meeting schedule, or to introduce yourself..

Hybrid Worship

Can’t attend in person? No problem! Join us virtually via Zoom. We offer a hybrid worship option for those who are unable to be there physically due to illness, isolation, or distance. Contact us for the link!

No Meetings in Cambridge on These Dates

This schedule is for the 2024-2025 year.

Sunday, December 22 (Christmas holiday)

Sunday, December 29 (New Year Holiday)

Sunday, February 9 (Super Bowl Sunday)

Sunday, March 23 (Winter Retreat)

Sunday, May 25 (Memorial Day)

Sunday, July 6

Sunday, July 27 (TBD- Mennoschmooze)

Sunday, August 31 (Labor Day)

Sunday, November 30 (Thanksgiving)

Sunday, December 28 (New Year Holiday)

note: subject dates may change

Stay up-to-date! For the latest information about our church, follow us on Facebook.

Mennonite Congregation of Boston
Mennonite Congregation of Boston1 week ago
MCOB will be on retreat this weekend, Fri. Mar. 21-Sun. Mar. 23! We'll be at the beautiful Woolman Hill Quaker Retreat Center in Deerfield, MA, and we will not be meeting at FMC this Sunday.
Mennonite Congregation of Boston
Mennonite Congregation of Boston2 weeks ago
Today, Mar. 16, we will have a contemplative service of Lenten prayer stations, to help us collectively prepare for our continued Lenten journey to Easter and for next weekend’s retreat, inviting us “into the wilderness” through a prayerful and reflective engagement with the elements.

Friends Room, Friends Meeting Cambridge, 5 pm. Snack contributions welcome!
Mennonite Congregation of Boston
Mennonite Congregation of Boston3 weeks ago
Today, Mar. 9, you are warmly invited to join us for a joyous day in the life of our congregation: Baby Dedication Day! We will welcome two children to our congregation in a service featuring special music, a mini-meditation, and special snacks afterward.

Friends Room, Friends Meeting Cambridge, 5 pm.

A young adult outing will follow the service (postponed from last week, when it was just too darn cold).